5 Ways to Deal With Performance Anxiety at College


Anxiety and stress can not only interfere with life but also have a negative impact on your overall condition in the future. No matter what age you are, stress is an integral part of your life. Everyone is worried about something: it can be money, coronavirus, changing jobs, or even leaving the country. But when your anxiety accumulates and turns into a snowball, interfering with normal life, it is time to wrap your head around all this.


Along with the usual worries, students are also stressed about the finals season that is around the corner, writing coursework and diplomas and endless homework. All these factors make students’ anxiety levels rise. Some students may think, “I definitely need Essaypro to write my paper for me,” and this is actually a good idea. You don’t have to be hard on yourself and carry the burden by yourself. Let professionals save your time and help you with homework while you focus on much more important things in your life.

Of course, education is important, but without taking proper care of your physical and especially mental health, you will not only exacerbate the situation but also let the stress impede progress. As anxiety and stress can’t be avoided in students’ lives, it is very important to be aware of how you can deal with them. That’s why we have prepared this article, in which we will share with you some useful tips on how you can combat performance anxiety while studying.

Get Rid of the Question “What if?”

People who suffer from anxiety and stress tend to come up with one question: “What if?”. For example, “What if I do not succeed?”,  “What if I do not pass the exam?” or “What if my parents are disappointed in me?” These thoughts appear completely out of nowhere. And the thing is, they are beyond our control, as they are directly related to our worries and fears. However, you can develop the habit of always finding a solution.

The first thing you can do is develop a new, positive response to each of your anxious thoughts. For example, imagine that during the test, you get an examination paper with the questions you have studied beforehand.

The key moment is that you need to change your attitude towards these intrusive thoughts. You can look at the anxiety and “What if” questions with a sense of humor. Within some time, you will change this “outdated” pattern with a new positive one.

A Glass of Cool Water

About 60% of the human body is water. You have already heard a bunch of times that you need to stay hydrated in order to maintain a healthy balance in your body. Drinking water is something that all doctors recommend for people who suffer from anxiety. Water is necessary for the body to function properly, but in times of stress, we often forget about it.

When you feel like you can’t control this feeling, like everything’s falling apart and you’re way over your head, a glass of water can help you feel grounded. Just drink it slowly. At that moment, you will switch your attention away from the panic, which is very important.

You also need to know that alcohol will never help you. Some people believe that it will keep your mind off the problems and heal your “wounds.” But, in reality, alcohol will cause not only hangovers and addiction, but it can also aggravate your mental condition. Alcohol is a depressant, don’t forget about that.

Use Grounding Techniques to Quiet Distressing Thoughts

When we are in the midst of anxiety, flashbacks or panic attacks take control of the mind. It becomes impossible to focus or think clearly about anything. Sometimes, our thoughts hit us so hard that we can’t keep track of them anymore. We can feel paralyzed or frozen, unable to make even the slightest movement or utter a word.

Grounding techniques are a great tool for all common causes of stress and can be used wherever you are. By bringing our mind and body back to the present moment, we can arrange space for our brain to calm down and feel a little more centered. They will help you to figure out how to deal with the condition.

Here are a few of the most helpful grounding techniques you can try:

Take a shower or a bath.

Focus on what you feel when you touch the door handle or faucet. When you turn on the faucet, focus on how you determine the right water temperature. Note the sensations of the water all over your body, paying attention to the temperature and sounds of the water and each of your muscles’ reactions.

Make a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.

Notice every movement your body makes. Pay attention to the way your fingers squeeze the kettle handle and the way your palm feels the coldness of the faucet as you turn on the water. Observe the feeling of the kettle in your hand getting heavier as you fill it with water. When your tea or coffee is ready, take small sips deliberately while sitting on a cozy couch.

Look around you.

Name five things you see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, and two things you can taste. Then, name at least one quality you like about yourself.

Think about the fun you recently had with your friends or relatives.

Call someone and try not to talk about what’s bothering you at the moment. Ask questions, and discuss their worries, but don’t mention the reason why you are experiencing anxiety.

Keep a small item with you so that in a moment of a panic attack or anxiety, you will have an opportunity to grab it.

It can be a teddy bear, a smooth stone, or jewelry. In the moment of panic, take it in your hands, and concentrate on the tactile sensations: the texture of the object, its temperature, size, and weight.

Think about the fun you recently had with your friends or relatives.

Practise Meditation and Breathing

Breath control is one of the quickest and most effective ways to calm down and reduce anxiety in a difficult moment. Diaphragmatic breathing promotes the maximum oxygen saturation of the blood, reducing anxiety and body tension. If your condition worsens, use the following practices. Here is some instruction on how to practice breathing:

  1. Get into a comfortable position.
  2. Place one palm on your chest and the other one on your stomach.
  3. Slowly inhale with your nose and exhale with your mouth through slightly pressed lips.
  4. Inhale and exhale calmly, without effort.
  5. Mindfully accompany each inhale and each exhale. If the mind drifts into anxious thoughts, simply return your attention to the process of breathing each time. Note the places where you feel the breath and keep your attention on those places. It can be your nostrils, the upper lip, or your chest.
  6. Do this for five to ten minutes.

In addition to measured breathing, meditation practices also involve concentration and observation of one’s inner sensations. Meditation helps you clear your mind and learn how to control it. It allows you to achieve a sense of inner peace and balance in your mind and body with full awareness and mindfulness.

Make Time For Exercise

When you experience anxiety, there are plenty of ways you can use to help yourself. One of them is exercising. You should know that our psychological condition is related to our physical one. Anxiety is a state of stress that activates the production of certain hormones in the body.

You should find some physical activities that involve stretching and relaxing your muscles. For example, you can go to the gym or follow some trainers on YouTube. It’s much easier to exercise at home, especially if you feel anxious about exercising in public. Your goal is to learn how to release tension and relax. You can try breathing exercises with an emphasis on exhaling or holding your breath to reduce oxygen in the blood and, consequently, the production of adrenaline, which supports anxiety.

To Wrap It Up

Don’t let anxiety and stress control your life. Let yourself enjoy the studentship to its fullest. We hope this article was useful for you and you will give a shot to all the new techniques and ways you can manage stress.

Rachel Crib
Rachel Crib
Rachel has lived in Lancaster her whole life. Trish has worked as a journalist for nearly a decade having contributed to several large publications including the Yahoo News and the Lancaster Post. As a journalist for The Tiger News, Cristina covers national and international developments.

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