5 Benefits of Value-Based Healthcare


Does value-based healthcare mean better healthcare? Most people would say yes!

When hospitals and doctors get paid based on the health outcomes of their patients, the focus shifts from being paid per visit to aiding the patient in wellness and recovery. Patients have more control over their care in these better healthcare systems.

In today’s healthcare climate, it’s important to find the right medical solutions to fit your budget and get you on the road to wellness. Keep reading to learn five of the benefits of value-based healthcare.

Spend Less Get More

When healthcare providers focus on preventative care rather than treating chronic health conditions like obesity, diabetes, or hypertension, it is less costly. Fortunately, the services offered by Guardiant Health also follow this approach. They are healthcare professionals focused on preventative care and chronic care management.

Looking for methods of treatment that get to the root of the illness or injury and get patients well most efficiently, means fewer medications, doctor visits, and medical tests, and of course less money. A better approach to healthcare is the less expensive approach.

Patient Satisfaction

When a patient feels like their doctor is focused on them, they report greater satisfaction. Too many times, doctors concentrate on ordering tests or treatments that collect the most money. This is the fee-for-service model.

In a value-based healthcare model, doctors only order the tests and treatments that are best for the patient. The time spent with the doctor is more productive and the patients feel like they’re part of the team.

More Efficient

Moving the focus to preventative care means implementing changes to improve the system. These changes may be time-consuming but in the end, the system will be much more efficient.

Health risks are identified through data collection and help providers take steps to provide preventative care. Preventative care takes a lot less time than treating or managing chronic health conditions.

Coordinate Care

When healthcare providers are incentivized to work with other providers to get the best outcome for their patients, they are able to coordinate care and improve the health of patients.

Improved technologies and incentives help providers work together to improve overall health.

Reduced Healthcare Spending

Overall healthcare spending decreases when preventative measures keep people from suffering from chronic conditions. Being and staying healthy is much less expensive than treating conditions that come up when you don’t put prevention first.

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Value-Based Healthcare

Better health facilities are helping their providers adapt to a new approach to treating patients using value-based healthcare. Enhancing patient outcomes, and using reliable, cost-effective, and sustained healthcare processes, leads to better care for the patients.

Improvement in quality comes first and that’s a win for the patients. Be sure to bookmark our site for easy access to your best source of news about games, movies, entertainment, tv shows, and the latest trending news and updates.


As health becomes even more critical, healthcare delivery methods are becoming increasingly relevant. There has always been a quest for better diagnosis, care, and maintenance for patients and providers. A value-based healthcare model is one in which providers are paid based on patient health outcomes. In healthcare contracts, providers are rewarded for helping patients live healthier lives, reduce chronic disease effects and incidence, and improve their health.

Rachel Crib
Rachel Crib
Rachel has lived in Lancaster her whole life. Trish has worked as a journalist for nearly a decade having contributed to several large publications including the Yahoo News and the Lancaster Post. As a journalist for The Tiger News, Cristina covers national and international developments.

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