Falcon and Winter Soldier is an upcoming American web miniseries of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Malcolm Spellman is the creator of the show. The characters are based on Marvel Comics. Sam Wilson is famous as Falcon and Bucky Barnes as Winter Soldier.
Kari Skogland is the director of the show and producing the best show.
The Czech Republic revealed that the filming had been started on the 3rd of March for three weeks. However, due to the corona pandemic, the production stopped, and all-stars came back to Atlanta.
Government Has given permission to creators to start the show by following the hygiene rules. Therefore the production of the show will return to Prague. After that, it revealed that just two or three weeks of the shooting had been left. Well, good news arrived, and the production started. Soon we will get all the details regarding the cast and crew soon.
We hope that every country will start back the productions of every series soon. Moreover, soon, the filming of Falcon & Winter will complete, and we will able to get tech series.