Loki on Instagram: Access Denied?


Loki’s official Instagram account has wiped off all previous posts, leaving only one behind. This happened shortly after the release of Loki Season 2 Episode 4, which ended on an explosive cliffhanger.

The closing moments of Loki Season 2 Episode 4 left us all on the edge of our seats. A blast from the Temporal Loom seemed to be headed straight for Loki, Sylvie, Casey, B-15, Mobius, and O.B. With the fate of the TVA hanging in the balance, it’s natural for fans to wonder how our favourite characters will survive such a cataclysmic event. The series has consistently surprised us with its storytelling, so there are sure to be some twists in store. Can they escape the impending doom?

Shortly after the episode aired, fans noticed a cryptic change on the official Loki Instagram account. There’s only one post left, which features the ever-enigmatic Miss Minutes uttering “Access Denied. ” 

access denied loki

MCU’s marketing team surely knew the impact this would have on fans and the speculation it would generate. That’s why they did it, no?

It seems like Loki’s Instagram account is simulating what happens in the TVA. Of course, there must be a way to save the day, but will it reset everything? Even if TVA and all the timelines do reset, what we’ll get to see on Loki’s Instagram account?

Updated: Here’s what happened next…

Loki Season 2 Episode 5 “Science/Fiction” revealed that all of the TVA members, except Loki, are reset to their original timelines, forgetting everything like it never existed. Loki finds himself slipping through time, finding and gathering his friends in the hope of fixing everything. However, things don’t work as planned. He then succeeds in controlling his time-slipping power, reaching back in time exactly the moment before the Temporal Loom exploded.

Until this, Loki’s Instagram remained the same. There was nothing at all. But then…

Episode 6 “Glorious Purpose” released on 9th November, concluding the Loki Season 2 for good. We witnessed that no matter what Loki does, he can not fix the Temporal Loom. There’s no way of scaling it up. It was never designed to accommodate an infinite number of timelines. This leaves Loki with no choice other than to become the anchor for all the timelines.

He utters “I know what kind of God I want to be” and then goes back in time to the exact moment. Sylvie and Mobius attempt to stop him but he says “For you, for all of us” and goes on to destroy the Loom.

He holds all dying branches in his hands, empowering them with his magic. Suddenly, all the timelines are revived. As he begins to move forward, his attire transforms, showcasing his evolution from the God of Mischief to the God of Time.

He rearranges the timelines into a tree-like structure, ensuring that he’ll always oversee the branches at the End of Time. All just to avoid the chaos and keep his loved ones safe.

At last, we see Loki embracing his fate, sitting on a throne as he always meant to be.

Loki Season 2 Instagram Access Denied

Loki’s official Instagram page effectively simulates this transformation, posting Loki’s image as the God of Time holding the branches and sitting on the Throne at the End of Time.

The best part? Loki’s official Instagram page’s bio says “God Loki, Burdened with glorious purpose”.

It’s just WOW!

Kiran Yahya
Kiran Yahya
Kiran Yahya is a professional blogger, having 4+ years of experience with reputable online magazines, including usupdates, gistrat, newscase, and many more. She loves to cover entertainment niche, as she has a passion for watching and talking about multi-genere American, Korean, Japenese films, series, and anime. She critically analyzes everything to write unbiased reivews.

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