Types of proxies 


Proxy technology makes your Internet surfing safer. With its help, ordinary users can keep their data private, hide their IP addresses, and visit any resources (even banned in their countries) anonymously. The usefulness and necessity of this technology led to its mass distribution. Now you can use the Pakistan proxy server on soax.com and enjoy free and secure access to the Internet without overpaying. In turn, we will tell you what proxies there are and how they differ.


According to this class, proxies can be divided into:

  • standard (visible);
  • transparent.

To use visible proxies, you need to prescribe their data in the operating system settings, the browser settings, or another program used. Transparent servers do not need it. You don’t have to enter their data anywhere. If your ISP uses transparent proxy servers, all actions on the Internet will pass through them. You cannot activate or deactivate them by yourself.

Data caching

There are two types of proxies: caching and non-caching. We will tell you more about them:

  • Non-caching: Most of the proxies belong to this type. These proxies address a web resource directly displaying the most recent data;
  • Caching: Proxies of this type retain all downloaded data in memory. When a second request to a web resource occurs, the appeal won’t go directly to the site’s database, but to the information downloaded to disc. The user will see what is already stored in the cache.

The period of caching when the proxy won’t access the requested web resource can last from a few hours to a few days. During this time, the user will see the data stored in the cache, regardless of whether the data on the web page has changed or not.

The protocol

Proxy servers operate using 3 types of protocols:

  • HTTP — an outdated type of proxy making connection to sites through the unprotected HTTP protocol. Proxies of this type cannot be used for visiting web resources working over a secure connection;
  • HTTPS — the most common proxies. They work over a secured protocol and can be used for various actions on the Internet, mostly for web surfing;
  • SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5 — these proxies can work with most programs and protocols. They don’t pass your IP address in the request header.

After purchasing a server, information about it will be displayed in your personal account on the website of the proxy provider.


According to this parameter, all types of proxies are divided into 3 groups:

  • Proxies without authorization: you just have to specify the proxy data (IP, server port) in the system settings or in the program parameters;
  • Proxies with authorization by IP-address: access to these servers is available only for computers with IP-addresses included into the permitted list;
  • Proxies with authorization by login and password: to get access to this type of proxy server, you need to enter your login and password in the system settings or in the parameters of the program used.

From the security point of view, proxy servers with login and password are the most suitable for professional work on the Internet.

Rachel Crib
Rachel Crib
Rachel has lived in Lancaster her whole life. Trish has worked as a journalist for nearly a decade having contributed to several large publications including the Yahoo News and the Lancaster Post. As a journalist for The Tiger News, Cristina covers national and international developments.

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