President Trump’s statue was dressed as a Warhammer warrior with Twitter birds on his sword. Also, the head of Vladimir Putin has been unveiled on his shoulder in Italy. The statue is covered with golden armor, a gold leaf crown, the gigantic effigy brandished with huge claw hand with long talons and twitter-themed blade.
The statue moved through the streets the animated Caesar-like figure, and people stood at its feet waving US flags. Trump’s armored knees were a depiction of the Statue of Liberty’s head. There is an American eagle on one shoulder and the Russian president.
It is 65 feet high statue and was part of the Carnevale Di Viareggio festival in Tuscany.
This paper mache structure had a huge clawed hand, a gold leaf crown, and a sword with Twitter birds around the hilt named Master Drone. The sculpture was inspired by the Emperor of Mankind character from figurine game.
In Trump’s statue, there is a sword with a ring of blue twitter birds. There is a phrase ” dazi vostri” that translates as ” your duties’ or ” your taxes.” However, some Italians wrote on Twitter there is an expression that plays on words with the phrase ‘cazzi vostri.’
It means your c**** is used as slang for none of your business or your problem. Moreover, an Italian newspaper said the phrase actually means your f***** tariffs referencing Trump’s trade was with China Heavy stated.
Along the blade of Trump’s sword, it was written ‘ dazi vostri.” This parade website refers to Trump as a ” God Emperor Trump. ” It was created by sculptor Fabrizio Galli and intended to mock the president and comment on Trump’s foreign policy.
Some supporter s of Trump also share memes and describing him as ” the God-Emperor of the United States.” According to Heavy, he told an Italian Tv news station, ” it’s a joke; he tried to destroy nations’ economy instead of nuclear missiles.”
Moreover, in another festival, there is grinning Trump in pajamas and bed cushions floated with a hot dog space. It is one of the strongest actions, let’s say, and powerful people like Trump can use.
There is a description of the official website’s statue, ” There is a supreme myth about the power over the whole universe, the first God Emperor Trump.” The statue was not only the depiction of the US president. There is another parade, wore a full Warhammer armor suit with Trump’s head.