Lorenzo Zurzolo Personal Information, Career, Relationship Status and Other Details!


Lorenzo Zurzolo is an Italian actor who made an appearance in many popular movies, Netflix shows. He was born in Italy and made an appearance in Italian cinema when he was 21 years old. Lorenzo started acting when he was 7 years old.
At that time, he played a role in many commercials and tv shows and then joined the theatre school about hiscraft6 and refined himself as an actor. His role in Netflix’s original baby was really appreciated.

One of his feature films was Young Europe, directed by Matteo Vicino in 2012. One of the leading characters was Ruolo Minore, with big stars like Michele Gammino and Sophie Blondin. He played the role in the show Una Pallotta nel Cuore in the 2014 Questo e Mio Parse in 2015.

Lorenzo Zurzolo Personal Information

Lorenzo Zurzolo Full Name Lorenzo Zurzolo
Lorenzo Zurzolo Date of Birth March 21, 2000
Lorenzo Zurzolo Age 21 years old
Lorenzo Zurzolo Birthplace Italy
Lorenzo Zurzolo Profession Actor
Lorenzo Zurzolo Height 5’11”
Lorenzo Zurzolo Weight 70 kg
Lorenzo Zurzolo Shoe Size not known
Lorenzo Zurzolo Husband/Spouse Single
Lorenzo Zurzolo Net Worth $500,000

Relationship Status

The 21 years old actor is currently single. There is no past and present relationship history about him. He is just focusing on his career.

Net Worth

According to reports, the estimated wealth of Lorenzo Zurzolo is $500k. At a very young age, he is earning much better than other actors. he is also has a luxurious lifestyle in Italy.

Social Media

Lorenzo is active on social media. After Netflix’s show Baby, he has more than 10k followers on his Facebook account.

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Sadia Nazir
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