How do I write an essay expression on any topic?


An essay – as it may seem to many people – is one of the most difficult written works in school. After all, when preparing it, a student must not only write a competent text but also approach it creatively. And all this in one or two lessons! It sounds really scary, but in fact, it’s not like that. Essay writer from will tell you how to easily write an essay expression on any topic.

What is an essay explanation?

We will not give you a definition from the dictionary of terms, because everything is clear from the name: in it, you have to reason. By the way, the essay description – describes everything to the smallest detail, in the essay narrative – to emphasize the development of events. Correspondingly, in an essay explanation, you explain your point of view, supporting it with arguments.

Another question is what does “reasoning” mean? As a rule, the topic of the essay you are given is a thesis to either prove or disprove. In both the first and second cases, you need to make arguments that convince the reader that your point of view is correct.

How do I write an argumentative essay?

In writing any texts where you need to defend your point of view, we advise you to follow the “rule of three. This method is often used by various coaches, speakers, and businessmen in their speeches when they need to convince their audience of something.

The “rule of three” can also be used to structure an essay:

1) The introduction = your evaluation (agree or disagree) of the thesis.

2) Main part = proof of your point of view (arguments).

3) Conclusion = summary of all of the above and final conclusions.

By the way, if you’re writing an essay expression on a work, follow the diagram in the infographic:

So, you get an assignment: to write an essay expression on the topic “The world is held together by the caress of mothers. What to do next? Let’s go over it in detail.

Introduction to an Essay and Reasoning

The introduction should lead the reader to the main point. At the beginning of your essay, you need to evaluate the thesis statement: whether or not you agree with it. For greater persuasiveness, refer to the “Socratic method.” That is, you need to make three statements or ask three questions (the “rule of three” works again, notice?) that the reader would agree with.

For example: “What is the first word a child utters more often? Who do we run to with joy or with sorrow? Who is our closest friend for life? Mom, of course.”

Agree, by these three lines our position is already clear: we agree with the thesis “The world is held together by the affection of mothers.

By the way, another technique that can be used is the epigraph. This is a phrase of a famous person, an excerpt from a work of fiction, proverbs, or sayings that fit the theme. For example, in our essay as an epigraph, you could take the words of Victor Hugo “Hands of mothers are woven of tenderness – children sleep a peaceful sleep on them.

Tip: If you like the idea of an epigraph, you could prepare one or two examples for each of the topics for your 2022 final essay in advance.

In the introduction, you can also mention the importance and relevance of this thesis, make a short excursus into history, or share your opinion on the topic.

The main part of an essay-explanation

The main part of the essay is the most important and the most lengthy part. Here you need to make arguments and convince the reader that your opinion is correct. Again, we remember the “rule of three”: give three arguments. Preferably, the arguments should be varied. The universal “scheme” of argumentation is science, art, and personal experience (don’t take this very literally, we’re talking in general terms).

In our topic on moms, you could mention as a scientific thesis that studies show that people who are more psychologically stable and successful are those who received enough love and affection from their moms as children. Next, you could turn to literature, recalling poems and prose dedicated to mom.

As a third argument, use a personal experience, a story related to your mother. Perhaps there was some special occasion when Mom was around? Or tell about how your mom always supports you and that’s why you’re not afraid to try new things and make mistakes. Such a life story will add “liveliness” and sincerity to the essays.

Since this is an essay expression, it is important to trace the course of your thoughts, and reasoning. Use markers to help structure your text: let’s say, for example, first, second, since, therefore, because. Also, don’t forget to use the following constructions: “I think that…”, “But if you look from the other side…”, “According to statistics…”, “In my opinion…”, “It seems to me…” and so on.

The conclusion in an essay-explanation

You’ve probably noticed: when you read a big text, you forget what happened at the beginning. That’s why it’s important to summarize all of the above in the conclusion, first, and second, to draw conclusions. Look at the structure of your essay and highlight the most important things you take out in the conclusion.

We hope that our tips have helped you understand how to properly construct essays of this kind. Of course, reasoning on various topics is not easy, which is why your erudition is important: read more, study, and be interested in different areas. And then no essay explanation will not be a “nightmare” for you.

Rachel Crib
Rachel Crib
Rachel has lived in Lancaster her whole life. Trish has worked as a journalist for nearly a decade having contributed to several large publications including the Yahoo News and the Lancaster Post. As a journalist for The Tiger News, Cristina covers national and international developments.

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