Tv Shows

Did “The Haunting of the Hill House” Receive Negative Reviews?

"The Haunting of Hill House" released on October 12, 2018. Almost 5 years have passed and still, it is considered one of the best...

Who is Victor Timely in Comics?

MCU's Loki Season 2 recently introduced us to Victor Timely, a variant of "He Who Remains" born and living in the 19th century. But...

Loki Season 2 – What’s Happening in TVA?

TVA is on the verge of melting down. Yes, you heard it right. This is basically the dire consequence of killing "He Who Remains"....

Manifest: will there be a season 5? S4 ending explained, part 2 release date on Netflix!

Manifest started with a fantastic premise and some interesting characters but spent the first several episodes in a sprint to reveal and establish the...

‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’

The late Chadwick Boseman as the cast takes us deeper into the technologically advanced African nation filled with action, empowerment, and cultural pride. Black Panther...


